Upcoming Data Science Presentation


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I'll be presenting So You Want to be a Data Scientist at Bucks Country Brewery for the Doylestown Data Analytics and Business Intelligence MeetUp Group.  

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

So You Want to Be a Data Scientist?

Does R seem like an alien language to you? Does data science terminology seem overly confusing? Would you like to learn more about data science but are scared of the math? Fact is, you’re probably doing “data science” today. You don’t need to know a lot of R or python to be an effective data scientist. We’ll cover important terminology and use cases and then dive-in by exploring data with tools you are already using. We’ll deploy a modern data science workstation in just 10 minutes. Finally, we’ll put it all together and create a predictive web service using Azure Machine Learning.


Dave is CTO/Data Architect of Capax Global, a premier Microsoft consulting partner.  Dave is responsible for setting the strategy and defining service offerings and capabilities for the data platform and Azure practice at Capax.  Dave also works directly with clients to help them with their Big Data journey.  Dave is a frequent blogger and speaker on big data and data science topics.  

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